A Generic Deskolemization Strategy
Johann Rosain, Richard Bonichon, Julie Cailler & Olivier Hermant.
In: 25th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR 25).
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Goéland: A Concurrent Tableau-Based Theorem Prover (System Description)
Julie Cailler, Johann Rosain, David Delahaye Simon Robillard & Hinde Lilia Bouziane.
In: 11th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2022).
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SC-TPTP: An Extension of the TPTP Derivation Format for Sequent-Based Calculus
Julie Cailler & Simon Guilloud.
In: 9th Workshop on Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning (PAAR'24).
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SC-TPTP : Extending the TPTP Format for Sequent-based Proofs
At: National day of Scalp research group (Formal structures for CALculus and Proofs), IRCICA, University of Lille, France.SC-TPTP : Extending the TPTP Format for Sequent-based Proofs
At: National day of LVP research group (Languages and Program Verification), IRIF, University Paris-Cité, France.SC-TPTP : Extending the TPTP Format for Sequent-based Proofs
At: Formal Methods Seminar, Loria, University of Lorraine, France.Representing Sequent-style Derivations in TPTP with SC-TPTP
At: The 13th TPTP Tea Party (IJCAR 2024).Design of a Tableau-Based Automated Theorem Prover and Output of Machine-Checkable Proofs
At: VeriDis team seminar, University of Liège, Belgium.Design of a Tableau-Based Automated Theorem Prover and Output of Machine-Checkable Proofs
At: Chair of Theoretical Computer Science, FAU, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.Design of a Tableau-Based Automated Theorem Prover and Output of Machine-Checkable Proofs
At: VeriDis team seminar, Loria, University of Lorraine, France.Design of a Tableau-Based Automated Theorem Prover and Output of Machine-Checkable Proofs
At: LARA team seminar, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Suisse.Design of a Tableau-Based Automated Theorem Prover and Output of Machine-Checkable Proofs
At: IGG team seminar, ICube, University of Strasbourg, France.
Goéland: A Concurrent Tableau-Based Theorem Prover
At: 15th Alpine Verification Meeting (AVM'23).Formal Method: The Art of Using Logic to Build Safer Systems
At: Theoretical Computer Science Group Seminar, University of Regensburg.Reasoning Methods in Automated Theorem Proving
At: BOREAL Team Seminar, LIRMM, University of Montpellier.
Goéland: A Concurrent Tableau-Based Theorem Prover
At: Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Automated Reasoning 2022 (PDAR2022).Goéland: A Concurrent Tableau-Based Theorem Prover (System Description)
At: 11th International Joint Conference On Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2022).
A Concurrent Tableaux Proof-Search Procedure
At: Proof Day 2021, LIRMM, University of Montpellier.
Woody Bledsoe Award
In: 11th International Joint Conference On Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2022).Best Newcomer Prover
In: The CADE ATP System Competition (CASCJ11).