Hi and welcome to my personal site!
I am Julie, and I am currently an associate professor within the VeriDis Team at Loria, University of Lorraine & Inria.
My work focuses on automated deduction, especially on designing decision procedures (parallelization in first-order logic, application to other logics or theories) and interactions between interactive and automated tools. Previously, I worked within the Chair of Theoretical Computer Science at University of Regensburg, and I did my PhD at University of Montpellier, during which I developed the Goéland automated theorem prover.
I am also very involved into sciences promotion (and the endless quest to find out who killed Agatha). Finally, I am a huge fan of puzzles, especially Rubik’s Cube, I like to traumatize my interns, and I bake delicious cookies!
You can find more information in my CV (last update: September 2024).
- I am invited speaker at LVP Days 2024 and SCALP Days 2024.
- Together with Nian-Ze Lee, we will chair the Artifact Evaluation at SPIN 2025.
- After many years of loyal service, I am taking over from Sophie Tourret as editor of the AAR newsletter. Feel free to send me any relevant information that you would like to include in the next edition!